Ger Loughlin – Founder/Skipper
Ger keeps the barge afloat, having started the business in 2014. He spent 10 years prior to that as a liveaboard bargee with his young family on the Roisin Dubh Houseboat and knew that people were just waiting on the opportunity to experience cruising on the Grand Canal. With a deep knowledge of Canal history, Ger will regale you with stories past and present on the life and history of the Grand Canal. He ensures excellence in customer service and guarantees that every bargetrip is a memorable experience where you’ll discover something new.
Chris McKenna – Chief Skipper
Chris has skippered on the inland waterways for the past decade, having earned his stripes on Saoirse ar an Uisce on the river Barrow. He is a wildlife expert and leader in the Wild Kildare group that promotes and protect the wildlife and biodiversity of Co. Kildare. So in addition to learning about the life and history of the Grand Canal, when you cruise with Chris you will also learn about the flora, fauna and rich wildlife to be found along the banks and in the water.

Mon Mon – Bar Manager/Lock Keeper
Monika Jelenkova joined the bargetrip team in 2017. If you fancy a drink from the bar as you cruise along, Mon Mon will be there to look after you. On the Digby Lock cruise she will transform into the Lock Keeper, ensuring safe passage for the barge through the 250 year old manually operated lock. And back at base Mon Mon keeps our two tourist accommodation spaces, The Roisin Dubh Houseboat and Sallins Loft, in shipshape!